V Rising feels A LOT like Valheim and I recommend everyone check it out.

New Valheim update

V Rising is a Vampire themed survival-crafting game that's just launched into early access. (And probably the most polished early access experience in the genre).

You might look at the 40 player PvP servers and think "Nah, that's not the same as Valheim", but as someone who's been playing on a private little server with myself and three friends, I can assure everyone that the co-op (1-10 player) experience feels VERY similar.

  • Boss-based progression. Fight the boss, learn new recipes, unlock new powers.
  • Immensely satisfying combat.
  • Build a castle.
  • Keep cattle for late night snacks.
  • Never have enough fucking copper.

It's a bit of an oddity to be sure. It looks like a Moba, but controls with WASD. The base building isn't nearly as freeform as Valheim, but rewards good style (for example, putting tailoring stations in a room with matching carpet grants 25% production speed and 25% resource efficiency).

If you're like me and itching for a new Valheim-like experience, you owe it to yourself to at least watch a youtube video or two.

Edit: It's also only $20 USD which is a steal for the amount of hours you'll get from the PvE alone.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/uwh2v6/v_rising_feels_a_lot_like_valheim_and_i_recommend/

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