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Always just one more thing to be done…

I'm not sure whether I find this annoying, or is the reason I love the game. For example, recently, I wanted to fight thargoids… but first I needed more guardian tech, so off I go, and collect weapon blueprints, pattern epsilon obelisk data, etc, spend 2 days doing that, come back, and THEN, after I buy guardian gauss canons, guardian shards, waste 800 million on a type 10 defender etc, I find out about salvation weapons…. 2 weapon blueprints left, so off I go again, made the mistake of taking my thargoid hunting anni, instead of my explorer ready aspx, so after 22 jumps (having to stop for fuel every 4 jumps, seriously, aspx best explorer in the game, big fuel scoop, and low fuel use (about 10 jumps per tank) means 3 jumps worth of fuel without slowing down), an hour of trying to land the beast near the site a dozen laps around the site, and 22 jumps back I was ready to get salvation weapons. Totally worth it. 2 shots to kill a scout, eat cyclops for breakfast… But then I happened upon a technology broker that wants to sell me a thargoid bobble head… but first I need a thargoid heart. To get a thargoid heart, I need corrosion resistant cargo racks, but to get them I need to get radiation baffles, from far far away…
Yes. I'm writing this while waiting for my aspx to turn up from 45 minutes away…


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