Am I no longer having fun with the game?

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It's been a year since I started playing the game everyday. I play mainly ranked games. I'm stuck in being 700-1100 mmr right now, yes that's a big range. I know I'm not a very good player, I make mistakes in placement, warding etc but I don't feel like I'm at my rank. This rank has become a struggle for me, I know that some games are lost because of me but I have a strong feeling that it is filling up with more and more people who have an easy flame behaviour or who throw games because of dissatisfaction.
I won't talk about the citizens of Eastern Europe, Middle East and Russia who are very present on the Western European servers and who don't seem to understand English, even me who is French, I know how to make myself understood and spoken.
I don't look forward to victories anymore because I know that I will lose 4 times afterwards.
I try to correct myself, to watch replay of my games in order to see my mistakes. I play mainly pos 4, 5 or even 3, that's where I feel most comfortable
I know that playing pos 1 would be easier but I don't really master the atypical carry of my rank, I can't get over the mid in general.
I can really have fun when I play with friends and the level is higher because when I win solo, I just feel like I'm winning because there's a guy who's misbehaving on the other team and not because of the actions of my team.
I recalibrated my mmr by playing with a friend who is in Archon and I feel like playing against stronger teams, it does absolutely nothing, the game doesn't seem to care. I even lost 100-200 mmr with this calibration and I feel really really sad about that.
Should I keep playing to get back to my highest rank that I was guardian 3 or should I just give up the game for a while?


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