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Anyone else experiencing a lot of smurfs/scripters?

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Just played a game vs a Tinker 'ancient' who was pressing 6 buttons at the same time, without targeting a hero. His most recent matches were something like 35 kills – 2 deaths / 21 kills – 1 death, 36 kills – 2 deaths. He has rampages with tinker and in a day he had 5 back to back ones.

I went though the replay and checked the ability panel and it says:

20:35:21 – Tinker casts Defence Matrix
20:35:21 Tinker uses Soul Ring
20:25:21 Tinker uses bottle
20:25:21 Tinker uses Keen Conveyance
20:25:22 Tinker uses Rearm
20:25:22 Tinker casts Defence Matrix

and so on with 1 to 4 millisecond at most between his abilities. is that actually humanly possible?

My friends are divided, one of them thinks its a high level smurf just popping off and one of them thinks its actual scripts. Either way Dota is becoming so unplayable for mid-ranks like Legends/Ancients, even divines. You log in you queue up, you end up wasting 40 minutes of your time catching a dude who clearly shouldn't be in your game. You report, nothing happens. Repeat until you pick up league of legends lol


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