Anyone else have issues finding enjoyment in this game this wipe?

I have been playing for many many years, but honestly I can't enjoy myself anymore. I haven't found a game that hits like tarkov but the desync is just so bad now ( seems like it has actually gotten way worse this patch.) I know what's going to happen before it happens now. I can see a guy peeking me and I know even though I go behind the wall next to me, I'll be dead when I get there. I'm sure on his screen I'm just standing there like a dum dum not getting behind cover. In the past you could try to play on servers nearer to you, but now you have very little control over what server you get thrown on, maybe that's why it is worse I don't know or care to do the research to find out.

But in all reality desync occurs for everyone so that is manageable. What isn't manageable is the insane amount of people rolling around with esp. Bushes aren't safe, hiding spots aren't safe, there is no safe spot. Sure not everyone is cheating, but it sure feels like the % is pretty high. I've gone through my dogtag cases and you know what, its amazing. A lot of the names look like actual player names, but what are missing are the foul degenerate names, less than 10% are, and yet my deaths to such names are way higher in comparison. I really hope that Tarkov can get past its cheating epidemic, but I think its far too late for that. By now everyone has the if you can't beat them join them mentality, and this is entirely BSG's fault.

Its great that we are getting new weapons, and after what felt like an actual eternity we got streets but desync is back to 2018 levels and cheating has never been worse. I just struggle to find enjoyment with the game now.


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