Anything about custom keybindings getting reset being fixed in Odyssey?

The issue of custom binds getting reset has plagued this game for years and seemingly never been addressed/fixed. With the implementation of a whole new suite of controls for First Person / On Foot, which a lot of joystick/hotas players would likely swap to controller or kb&m to use, the chances of this problem being even more frequent and harder to fix each time it presents itself are very real.

I know there's a way to make your binds permanent by editing the files and have done so, but this is a serious issue that is going to get worse with each subsequent update until it is fixed. With the number of key bindings there already are (let alone will be in the near future), one can log in and find that, no, they aren't going to play the game, and as a matter of fact will spend all of their playtime fixing the game.

This seriously needs to be addressed before it gets out of control.


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