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Barter Trades and some suggestions for you all…

So with the new System it is impossible to put non FiR items onto the Flea Market, but I guess well all still put hings like GPU's into the secure container. Either out of habit or well so no one else gets it and it is still worth something.

Now to what we could all do to profit. First let me give you an example: GPU's are 428.000 a piece right now, which is ridiculous, but well it is supply and demand so well that's the price you have to pay… or is it. There are guys like me who bought the 50 GPU's when they were still cheap and now I have extras laying around that I can't sell. But I could still barter them. And GPU's are just an example here, replace GPU with any expensive Item you need that doesn't need to be FiR.

I just searched through the barter trades and was like "Well if someone has something reasonable on the market I would go for". By reasonable I mean something that is of course lower than the current market value (or he could just buy it), but not what is on the market right now. Like yeah give me 2 GPU's for one BTC. I mean I could sell it to therapist and get the same amount… So why isn't there like a single guy putting up 4 or 5 bitcoins for 2 GPU's. That would save him 100-200k roubles and give the buyer a fair amount for his GPU's. And again replace GPU by anything that is expensive (Lions, Rolers etc.).

I am pretty sure, if people get used to it more and more would start looking for those trades and you could actually get items cheaper than the Rouble value on the market.

I will look again tomorrow and well if I find something reasonable I will do the trade 🙂 Let us fill the market with good trades instead of "YEAH GIVE ME RR FOR 2 Bandages… -.-"


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