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Bats attacking tamed boars is horrible design

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

I am fine with all type of punishing in a hardcore game.

I am fine with losing around 4 hours of experience gathering due to death.

I am fine with dying with all my stuff on the sea because my boat randomly flips.

I am fine with drakes spawning EVERY 20 SECONDS in the mountains while I am trying to build.

I am even fine with punishing bosses, or any other crap.

But today I got the bat event at my base, and the bats managed to wipe out all of my boars, including Tank, the first one-starred boar I had on this save (I am at Day 221)

There is no way to prepare for this. I will not force my boars to live in a basement without any sunlight. This does nothing but punishes the player just because, and nothing else. The bats are not even strong enough to kill the player. (I was in full silver gear though).

Rip Tank, he was always pushing on the fence trying to run away, now he is finally free.


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