Bone Fragments Discussion

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

(Not sure if it should be flaired as an idea or discussion)

Before you say there are other uses for bone fragments: I know that bones and skeleton trophies are used for Mistland weaponry and ammunition

So someone mentioned that Vikings accidentally discovered steel. I did a little looking around and came across this article.
TL;DR: Blacksmiths took the bones of their ancestors and animals and threw them into the forge with the iron hoping to imbue the weapons with their spirits to make them stronger, with the reality being that the bones turned into bone-coal which then made steel out of the iron.

I know we already have black metal, I know that people are sick of mining iron from the swamps and that the mistlands has sources of iron-Is there a way to incorporate such a feature/idea into the ashlands that would make use of bones and skeleton trophies? Or maybe we can turn bones into coal via the Kilns or a special kind of kiln, imparting spirit damage to weapons?

I mean, this idea is just a LITTLE too metal(no pun intended) to be left alone.

Anyone else got anything on this?f


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