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Seen a lot of people goin on about how good the performance is with the 5800x3d so thought might as well try it while its on sale and have the money. I have the 5950x but did some tests last night and the max fps i could get on lighthouse with my cpu in offline raid was 110 with no entities on the map and i set every setting to low and off so wouldnt use gpu resources, and I did another test was getting max 70fps with scavs and rogues checked with same low settings, insane thats the max fps i can get with such a good cpu. I have 3090 also with 64gb ddr4 3200mhz ram hz maybe little low but i was told when i built pc couple years ago that it wouldnt really bottleneck maybe thats wrong but im not best when it comes to way ram works for performance in tarkov. I also did test with scavs and rogues on offline raid with graphics settings i like which would be mid-high and made little to no fps difference so we know gpu isnt the problem, which idk y it would be considering its 3090 unless it was broke

Looked at prices on ebay for a preowned 5950x and i could make my money back with what i paid for the 5800x3d maybe even more, so was kinda worth imo. the fps i have seen people get with this chip and around same pc specs is insane to me for this game. Tarkov by far is my main game so imo its worth it 100%

1 last thing i found out while testing is with all the fps guides ive watched to maximize performance a lot of them have said to check physical cores on for amd processors but i checked it off noticed a 5 fps gain and no stutters or dips while running around in the offline raid so might be something u guys could try if u r having similar issue as i am


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