BP IDEA : Bp should have an ‘EXCLUSIVE ARCANE TOKEN ‘ from now on

DOTA 2 Guides

We all know that there are A LOT of super exclusive items from the IO arcana, to those horrible green immortals you get at level 600+ from like 4 years ago, idk and i dont care the exact date.

BUT we all know that eventually, these must come out again to obtain for the new public. (For example, when the IO arcane came out, I couldn't even buy things online because I was underage xd)

The idea is of a token, which would be obtainable at idk, level 500 for example. This token would have the power to be turned into any arcana, immortal or item that has come out in past BP.

I'm pretty sure many of us have missed AT LEAST ONE limited edition item.

This token can be exchanged for ONLY ONE arcana OR immortals OR any other exclusive items older than 1 year.

And if by some miracle you don't want anything from the past because you already have absolutely everything (which I doubt) it could become 50 levels or something.

Finally, so that those who bought it at the time are not crying about its exclusivity being lost, they could put something like the invoker persona, that when the new invoker person came out (with the Specter arcana) all the old personas had something like It said 'This thing was bought as soon as it came out so it's exclusive btw'

Besides, what more do you want, don't you think it's a lot of exclusivity to have played with arcanas that no one else has for at least 1 year?

In this way, everyone would win something, there are people who have all the arcana, but perhaps they lost the immortal lion and they want it, this is their chance.

You could even call the token 'Multiverse of Madness Aghanim Mighty Token' or some shit and put in aghanim who trades you the token for any arcana to put in some lore idk. I only thing that i know is that valve must do new stuff in this BP if it wants to continue breaking records, and I think this is a good idea

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/uxxxkb/bp_idea_bp_should_have_an_exclusive_arcane_token/

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