Bronzes from other factions should get buffed to soldier’s level, and not the other way around!

witcher gwent cards

NG SOLDIERS have proven to be absolutely nuts, and i want to say to the Dev team that this is a step in the right direction.

Instead of nerfing NG Soldiers next season.

Buff bronzes from other factions to compete against them.

Spyro said "that's what bronzes are meant to be, they shouldn't be so inferior in comparison to Golds, they should be good and you should be able to win a round with them"

And we absolutely agree, bronzes shouldn't be so weak in comparison to golds.

Golds should just be a little bit stronger.

That way all cards in the game will feel worth it, and players will stop saving every single gold for the 3rd round, because bronzes can actually compete.

So thanks again for making NG bronzes powerful, hopefully you see this as an open window to buff bronzes from other factions, instead of nerfing soldiers next season because of some complaints.



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