BSG is out of touch with their players

I’ve played this game for 3K hours and I’ve been around this sub for a while so I’m sure I’ll get some hate for this but that’s ok. BSG and Nikita are completely out of touch with their players and as more time passes, the worse things get. It all started with limiting the flea market (which initially I thought was a good idea and would be a positive for the game). Secondly was the limiting of what could be dropped in raid for your teammates. And lastly is the new server changes. Most of the problems and frustrations that myself and my friends experience are all connected and rooted in these 3 major changes. Now I’m not saying that if you enjoy the flea the way it is that you are wrong, I’m just trying to provide some different perspective. I have a full time job and a family. Before the flea restrictions I could run a couple of raids after work during the week to save up some money and then purchase my bigger kits on the weekend to play with my buddies. Those days are long gone. When you get hacked on, which seems to happen much more frequently since the server changes, you can’t just replace that kit if you don’t have the traders maxed out. It’s gone and you didn’t even lose it fair and square. Groups like mine would also share quest keys and labs cards so if someone was jumping off for the night or we wanted to go labs, we would give the keys to the group or a labs card in so we could all go. Now that’s all gone too. It used to suck when you died to a cheater but now unless you are maxed out it can really set you back. If cheaters weren’t such a huge problem and audio was reliable then maybe these changes wouldn’t hurt the weekend gamer so bad, but they are huge problems. I love this game but when it seems like nobody at BSG has any real idea what’s going on in their game or how it’s even played then I begin to lose faith that Tarkov will ever be in a good place. Streets and arena won’t save it unless some major underlying issues are addressed and not just swept under the rug. The game isn’t always fun, but it’s starting to loose any and all enjoyment. BSG has captured lightening in a bottle with Tarkov and Nikita doesn’t know what to do with it.


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