Call to Arms!! Man up!

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Hello my fellow dota players, lately, I have encountered a HUGE amount of griefers, crybabys, feeders pretty much in every single game at least 9/10 this is getting out of hands.

This post, is to simply tell the community to MAN THE FK UP!!!! Dude it's not that hard, I have played this game for 15 years and I have never broke items, never griefed intentionally with the exception of internet/power issues that we all have. You get a Smurf in the other team? Dude man the fk up and try to win stop crying like a baby, I know it's not easy, but it's not impossible. Dude in your team insults you? Dude insult him back man the fk up and win the game together, tip at the end of the game and keep playing.

If for some reason, you want to grief the game like a psychopath, please queue TURBO games, ranked mode is made to tryhard and to play until the end.

So please, the next time you are in a game man up and don't grief. If this post affects positively at least 1 game then my work here is done. Let's bring dota 2 to the old glory days. Nowadays it's just griefers and feeders.

MAN UP!!!!!!


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