Can 4 man party queuers stop being so toxic?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

It's the most toxic shit any solo player has to deal with. You don't communicate with the solo player in team. You can't blame your own teammate/friend for sucking ass so you start talking shit to the solo player. You fickers are so immersed in your own gameplay that you never play around the power spikes of the solo player. Every game it's either I'm alone in fights or they are fighting without me or everyone is just standing around doing nothing. And the moment I go off to push the lanes, you 4 shitheads feel the urge to smoke gank. Really.. if you are playing 4 man or 3 man, either communicate or find one more person. Play arcade or smth. Least you can do is stop being so toxic in Chat. Some of us have lives of our own and that one dota game at the end of the day is all we might be looking forward to. I play in the legend ancient bracket. It's filled with shitheads with big ego who claim "I could probably reach immortal if I grinded so hard or my team mate is holding me back". Shit fuck heads


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