can games be canceled if 4 people mark a person as not playing the selected role?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

im tired of queuing for mid or carry and getting a person who queues for 5 and tries to steal a core lane. about 30% of my games where i queue for core i get a person who either doesnt care about the roles or doesnt look at their role in general and waits for last pick to pick am as hard support.

sure ive done this before by accident but i usually abandon before first blood if its my fuck up but a lot of the time these guys just try to jungle or push the core out of the lane.

we are past the point of techies and pudge being a instant report for both teams. and the feature has zero use when people dont support after the one minute mark. so can we add a feature to where if everyone on the team marks the same character as being the wrong roll the game gets canceled.

maybe add a penalty for repeat offenders like 5 minutes queue cooldown and the same for people who have repeatedly try to abuse the system to cancel games with slightly bad lineups.


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