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Can someone try and help me improve my load times?

So I have been playing tarkov for quite a long time but my loading speeds are god awful. Quite literally every map its just the same story of taking years to load, these are the times I usually get on some maps ; factory roughly 4-5+ mins, Woods rn is on loading loot 83% 14:00 (usually alot more I just quit at this time though and it fucks my stats), customs roughly same time, interchange last time was 10+, tbh there the only maps I've really tried but when I do offline mode the times are pratically 1/2-1/4'd which does my head in, when I try and play with friends they take 1-2 mins every map and I'm left to load with roughly the same specs; I have every setting turned to its lowest to try and improve times but they're roughly the same.

GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-core processor
My Ram is only 8Gb but since its minimum it shouldn't really be too much of a problem

My PC is prebuilt, it's the acer Nitro 50-110 if yous need to know anything else

Idk if there's anything else for me to put here for someone to help, I'm hoping I don't have to buy anything though because I have no money rn, all help is appreciated though, thanks wizards of reddit or whatever yous want to be called, thanks!


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