Why I made this post? because:
I was trying to crack open a raptor egg for a quick omelette. But wait, a zapper decided to cancel the entire interaction!
I was opening a chest, but a fire husk hit me and now I have to wait until the fire dies out of my face to interact with that chest.
I ran blaekebard Stash team perk. I killed beehive husk but left its bee trial in it's location. And in that location is a Blakebeard Stash with no way to interact with it until the bees dies out.
Its time to remove it. It serves no purpose. And all it adds is frustration. And before you guys say "tHiS iS a ChAlLeNgE". It is a FAKE diffculty. And why would a PvP game have it while a PvE game doesn't? Makes no bloody sense.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/17qo4d1/can_they_get_rid_of_the_cancellation_of/