Chep = Shturman?

If you have seen the latest chronicles episode, you'll notice Chep is given a black SVDS by Glukar.

Now hear me out,

We know he has a decent shot with a mosin as was seen in Ep4 when he clapped the guy on the labs roof, Glukar also trusted him to make the shot.


We know Killa and Tagilla are in their "Early Days" as we saw them working out in the gym and no-one seemed to notice them, they were merely an easter egg in the background, my point is, since the two bros are unknown, perhaps Shturman hasn't made himself known yet, maybe Shturman is a nickname or maybe even Cheps second name?

Should Chep receive more training from Glukar (who as we know is the only ex military boss), will Chep go on to become the Woods aimbot we all love to hate?

Wishful thinking maybe, but i just felt with the exact SVDS being given to him that Shturman uses, maybe it could be a nod to the future of Chep?

Thoughts please gentlemen



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