I had quite a bit of time logged prior to the first DLC (2015). I went out to Sag A* and hit the neutron highway when it was merely for exploration credits and not FSD boost. But I had to spend several months away from the game and then just never got back into it. Mind you, this was back when the AspX had the best jump range and the DBX was merely third or fourth best back when ship balance was…different.
Well, I logged back in to find myself still in the core region. I didn't want to backtrack to Explorer's Anchorage since I was a few thousand LY away already. I decided to head for Colonia so I can unload data and remember what civilization is like. Then I can go practice neutron boosting, get back to the bubble, and play with some of the bigger ships.
But for safety's sake since I am barely familiar, I'm jumping toward Colonia using ~36LY jumps slowly but surely.
Any recommendations in the meantime?
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/vfqgje/cmdr_awakened_from_stasis/