CMV: Cheaters are more prevalent because the game is addicting and was made too hard

There is no other game that does what tarkov does and the way tarkov does it. I have noticed as they add more and more restrictions or layers of difficulty (insane recoil, FIR, flea market restrictions, inertia, loot sell price reductions, loot amount reductions etc.) More and more cheaters seem to show up.

No one can say anymore "it's mostly RMT that makes people cheat" because face it RMT is almost dead. You can't sell anything anymore unless it's on the flea and other than a handful of keys/keycards there isn't anything doable or worth while. You can't drop most things in raid anymore either.

I am convinced the influx of cheaters is because BSG went overboard with their changes.

As of now we have PMCs that feel like we're controlling boats once you carry more than 25kg and when you shoot you don't hit the broad side of a barn unless your using one of a handful of meta guns.

Not to mention the complete lack of any communication from BSG on anything. A great example was this Christmas event, tree showed up randomly, ornaments were too difficult to find (because they lowered overall loot spawns a lot since last Christmas and ornaments replace gold spawns) and then the tree just randomly dissappears. Like why even run the event.

Yes battleeye is banning a lot of people but you can never stop all cheaters you just need to do your best to manage incentives for them to not want to cheat.


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