Combat SMG Vs Stinger SMG

So as many of you guys know we have the stinger SMG now which is considered to be the best SMG ever in Fortnite but if you guys remember when there was voting between Combat AR Vs Combat SMG and as most of you know Combat AR had more votes thus being added to the game.

Now the Stinger SMG dealt 22 damage per bullet (legendary rarity) before the recent nerf which gave it a 264 dps and after the nerf 240 dps.

On the other side the Combat SMG had the same fire rate at 12 but it did 2 more damage per bullet giving the Combat SMG 280 dps for the legendary rarity but the Common rarity Combat SMG has 240 dps which is exactly the same as the Legendary Stinger SMG and clearly thats better than the Stinger SMG now some of you guys are probably thinking it must have a larger bloom or some other kind of drawback to make it more balanced…welp no

The combat SMG and the Stinger SMG have a pretty identical bloom size and recoil which makes it very very strong.

Now I tried to bring all the similar things these 2 SMGs have and I want to ask you guys what do you think would've happened if Combat SMG was added instead the Combat AR. Would they make the Stinger SMG more balanced due to the feedback the Combat SMG could have received I want to hear your opinions on this and I believe that since the Combat AR has been tested in game they could possibly add it back in to the Chapter 3.

Stinger SMG

Combat SMG


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