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Competition is healthy, but do you think the release of DMZ will change anything for BSG?

I know people will say Call of Duty DMZ can't compete with Tarkov. I don't think it can directly compete with BSG's vision, but its within the genre of extraction shooter, there is definitely a portion of this playerbase that will be playing DMZ.

I know it's not out yet, I've seen similar posts but we've had more leaks recently thay paint a pretty clear picture.

Infinity Ward started Developement of this mode when they began developing Modern Wafare 2019, this is their passion project, according to early leaks about CoD Nexus. CoD Nexus is believed to be the codename for DMZ when it was first started, now they're finally releasing it, recent leaks from game files include the following;

-There is an In-Game market and economy
-AI, and Bosses with missions to loot and extract boss weapon containers
-quests to extract grunt weapons
-Played on a large map, with multiple extractions
-Theres missions for extracting liquor bottles, enemy dog tags, tradable items, etc.
-there is in-game traders, either a kiosk, buy station or actual AI friendly trader, unsure of which from leaked files
-there's several items that do not have a value but are lootable with quest requirements referenced
-quests with descriptions that seem to be tied to story elements

Whether you play CoD, like it or not, allot of people who play Tarkov probably played CoD at some point, we know this isn't going to be as detailed or have the simulation elements that Tarkov has, but this will be competition for BSG, people want to play an extraction shooter.

My question is, do you think that BSG will actually improve on anything with their development strategy?

I'm gonna be honest guys, I've seen allot of posts this wipe about how generally fed up allot of players are with persistent bugs, insane decisions implimented to fight RMT and loot hoover hacks, lack of content, and zero reliability with BSG.

That's not mentioning stuff like audio, optimization and desync, etc.

Even if DMZ doesn't have the simulation elements thay Tarkov has, I can see allot of people playing DMZ after the first 3 weeks of wipe, just for basic stuff like quality of life, time between raids, and stability, etc.

Do you think BSG will actually do anything in response to this? Even if it doesn't meet the Tarkov player standard of realism or how hard-core it is or whatever, there's gonna be people that just pick it up and play, even if it won't scratch that Tarkov itch, I'm sure for the simple fact of DMZ being "good enough" of an alternative will effect Tarkovs bottom line. Like is DMZ going to come out and BSG turns around and is like, "wow we sure took a hit in active players, maybe we should, idk, update something"

Ultimately it's not gonna kill Tarkov, that's not what I want, but i don't see BSG making any strides to improve their studio, or videogame, and this glacial pace of development seems pretty crazy to me with Tarkovs popularity. They've had plenty of time to move to London, or make good on 1 single time-line. Food for thought.

Guys, I'm not saying Tarkov fans are gonna leave Tarkov because COD is doing Tarkov better than BSG. DMZ won't be as in depth, or have the simulation features, etc. It's gonna be casual, and easy to play, even with more "hard-core" features than CoD usually has.

What I'm saying is, BSG is doing Tarkov so shitty right now, if CoD does a quality job with "Tarkov-lite" do you think BSG will have an incentive to do better with their product?

At some point, people may just play DMZ because it doesn't take 20 minutes to gear up and load into raid. Even if it ain't Tarkov, at least it ain't Tarkov.


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