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Complaining about balance is redundant.

Mod Skin Dota 2

And really boring to see. We get it, you don't like certain heroes, neither do I. Dota can't be balanced though. The point of the game is to be patched (maybe in 2023) to rotate certain heroes in and out of favour.

Base move speed is measured in increments of 5. HP measured in 20's, Armour in 1's. Manacosts in 5's. If the game was going to be tweaked in such ways that was meant to achieve balance, heroes would have 303 move speed, start with 576 HP, etc, etc.

The game is also incentivised to allow power creep. Regen for HP and Mana have gone way up over time, spell damage too. If more stuff comes into the game, say items, they have to be worthwhile to pick up. They have to suit a hero more than another item does, just like when Aby Blade made Blink on Ursa less useful.

Nothing is balanced around pub play anyway. The impact pro players have with heroes is what defines the hero's fate in terms of buffs and nerfs in the next patch. That's why you have those games where your mid builds weird items, or your support maxes that ability first that you disagree with. The pro player has figured something out, and even though it sucks ass in pub games as pub players can't replicate it, it still gets nerfed.

This is a game though, and you're allowed to take breaks. It's been too long without a patch for sure, I agree completely, but some people I feel get way too emotionally involved with this game. Tinker broken? Take a break. Laugh at the absurdity. Don't go getting upset over a game that needs to be imbalanced to exist is imbalanced. Or at least go play captain's mode so you can ban him, christ.


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