Crusader 2 support, recalibrated mid to guardian 2.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

This isn’t a complaining thread this is me attempting to help people stuck in this trench. I thought if I played mid in recalibration I’d do better. Come to find out… I let toxic players drag me down to their level way too much and I also am not as good as I thought. I want to get better.
So for the next couple of weeks I’m going to only play mid (with the exception of earning more role queue) I’m going to…

  1. Mute people at the first sign of toxicity.

  2. Analyze my replays anytime I lose 2 games back to back.

  3. Try to get my mid CS to at least 80 at 10 minutes (Primary skill focus)

  4. Try to FORCE myself every death to blame myself and fix it.

I look forward to maybe having something to report in a few days.

If interested my next post will be titled “From support to mid: UPDATE”

GLHF right?


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