Dagger Special Attack Combo?

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Hey guys, long time player here. Not on PTR, waiting for full release. HOWEVER, was just f'ing around this playthrough with the dagger, and noticed an occasional attack (bug? feature?) with some Attack swing combos. It goes as follows, try it out.

Normal attack set: Attack Attack Attack.

New found combo (quick frame double slice): Hold Block Button + Attack, Pause, Attack-Attack.

Or (quick frame double stab): Hold Block Button + Attack Attack, Pause Attack-Attack.

I know lots of fighting games like Tekken, Devil May Cry, and Soul Caliber have attack-pause-attack combos, so I was curious if this was a real thing, or possible just a bug where you're stuck in your previous combo, but clipping into a new combo. Personally, would LOVE the idea of some advance combos implemented!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/z38a4e/dagger_special_attack_combo/

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