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Damn daniel

Is Valheim coming

Started playing vallehim again this morning ….the last time I played me and my buddy had a incredibly successful haul of scrap iron like 180 pieces……….anways a sea slurpent attacked us and usually I do a good job of sniping them off our ass well we decided we wanted the meat so we pushed the bastard…..anyways finally got em even tho I went thru some 100 fire arrows 13 poison and 20 iron head……and I right when I'm about jump back kn the boat……I disconnect

So I panicked ……and this is where it got weird I quickly reconnect but instead of having drowned the ocean……im back at my main base with all of my armor……and the boat loaded with scrap……..nowhere too be seen any of my bases so I take our a different boat to go searching this one being the loaded with copper…….and yea well I disconnected again and lost that one too oh and I died tried swimming out to get a raft that's just a little tooo far our after our lost both of our karve to disconnect……. fml so much loss


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