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Dazed and Confused? More Like Panicked and Sloppy

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

So I play Valheim a lot, and my current character has been death-less, boss-less, and portal-less. I have roads all across my main continent and have gotten partway through the iron age. And last night, I decided to spend my time reworking my swamp base, which was right near a draugr village, so that I could properly harvest entrails and iron. You think you see where this is going? Well, I was aware of the risks of the swamp, and I made sure to keep my food topped off so I couldn’t be easily sniped or ambushed. It wasn’t that. I was prepared for that.

I had already made a wood wall around all the body piles to prevent them from alerting on me, and a wood platform over the body piles to protect them (and limit the draugr’s ability to chase me while I was building). And things were going well! The draugr were completely trapped!

Only, there was one problem. One of the draugr that had spawned…had a bow. And I? I didn’t like that. After all, I wanted to replace my wood walls with stone, and I didn’t want him to shoot me.

So, what do I do? Do I snipe him from a distance? (No.) Do I pull out my atgeir? (No.) Do I tear down a wall and rush in? (I wish I had.)

It was late. I was tired. I was ready to be done for the night. So instead of being reasonable, I JUMPED OVER the wall and ambushed the draugr in the back. With my 96 dagger skill , he went down in one shot, right? He would have, if it hadn’t turned out that the draugr was a TWO-STAR BEAST. He tanked my shot, and I tried to hit him again. Only, remember that he spawned on a pedestal? I didn’t want to jump up on it because of the other draugr nearby, and I couldn’t reach him from the ground. I got in one more glancing blow, but he started hitting me back. So I jumped back over the fence and ran away. Or rather, I tried to.

Panicked confused and disoriented, I never made it over the fence. One try, hit by an arrow. Another try, another arrow. I was out of stamina. Stamina potion, another arrow. I’m circling the cage, trying to dodge, but there’s no room. I didn’t even know where the draugr was anymore. I drank a health potion, took another shot. Made a last sprint for the wall.

And smashed the escape button in disbelief right as my tombstone popped up on the screen. Also, I’m pretty sure I scared my wife in the other room with my shouting.

540 days. Level 100 run, 96 dagger, almost 90 jump. And I died in my own cage. Rest in Peace, Durna. I shall have to build you a memorial with my next character.


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