Dear Valve: How about including more variables in the MMR algorithm?

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Right now MMR basically takes the outcome of a game and applies the corresponding change of rating to your account. This means, that even if you played out of your mind beyond your skill level you will still go down.

Over time, this works perfectly the well, on average better players will win more games than worse players.

However, because of the massive amounts of MMR abuse, as well as the long duration of games, it takes a lifetime to gain or lose MMR.

What about including other variables in the calculation and making a more appropriate snapshot of skill rating? This way, account buyers would be de-ranked much faster, and people at the bottom (who are improving) could rise quicker in the ranks until they start hitting their ceiling.

The obvious stats are KDR, GPM, etc (based on role, of course) but also things like APM, reaction speed, item choices (as compared to the top players in that same scenario), and others could play a role. Maybe there could even be an overwatch-type system of "promotion" if someone is clearly way better than their rank.

Is there some downside to this that perhaps I haven't considered? Is the current MMR system fine as is?


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