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Defenders with Devotion tag

witcher gwent cards

In the comments of another post someone mentioned that defenders should have devotion tags.

Something like Devotion: Defender

I like this idea a lot.

Right now, too many neutral tutors have practically removed the element of luck, and cards like a Renfri and GN are everywhere because they’re so much stronger than in-faction cards.

When the dev team balances cards, they essentially do it to encourage deck diversity. Strong reliable neutrals do not encourage diversity at all.

You want deck diversity? buff devotion. This is one idea to do that.

I do get that “devotion defenders” limit the tech cards you can run. Peller and Heatwave can be important techs. It does feel like this punishes devotion decks. But there’s no reason each faction can’t have it’s own purify and artifact removal. Why they don’t already is a mystery.

I’m guess 60% of you will disagree.


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