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Did the devs forget to fix or give up on draft mode? Was there a reply to draft mode that I left out?

witcher gwent cards

I guess I am that one guy who really likes the "improved" draft mode, in which you choose different packages of cards, like packages of bleeding, locks, mages, witchers, beasts, or even just "bunch of stuff that get summoned from your deck." I love the package design so much because it enables so many cross-faction synergies that cannot be seen in "normal" Gwent. Moreover, when creating a random deck, players would choose a "main card" (usually a high-provision card that requires a certain level a synergy to work) and the packages that come afterwards will appear somewhat accordingly to the "main card" you choose. This adds so much possibility to see fun and wacky combos.

However, since Gwent undergoes a monthly patch, some cards get radically changed which make them unfit for their predetermined packages (this seems to be a design-wise issue as the cards were manually put in categories instead of automatically sorted by a specific program or algorithm).

I remember that the devs used to say that they were rather slow on upadting packages because of the draft mode's package design makes it difficult for them to change a card's package category, and I thought they would "fix" the package updating problem before leaving, but they didn't.

The cards in draft mode are still presented in a package, but the package is only based on factions instead of its abilities. This basically makes draft mode the same as before: simply choose the card with the most "universal" value like damage or pure stats and ignore the ones that require synergies. I feel this is a waste of so much potential. Since there will be no longer any ability change to the cards, why didn't the dev fix draft mode once and for all?


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