[Discussion] Arachas Queen is a very dangerous to have in the game in terms of balance.

Yennefer's Journey

Right now while very good, it’s not much more than a great high end DW card. But being able to create copies of gold cards of any provision cost, faction and power is a very dangerous thing to have in the game. Caranthir has been proof of that a pretty crazy amount of times, and he’s way more limited in terms of potential. Under the right conditions, he’s been capable of singlehandedly bringing cheesy decks to the meta. Ethereal train was the prime example, and then you have Gernichora/Mamunna copying, Kiki Queen, Koschney, and to a lesser degree DW Detlaff, Living Armour (although that was usually more of a meme, Tbf) and now Weavess. Ever since Caranthir has received a supply of diffferent nerfs targeted at preventing specific interactions.

Arachas is some of the same. A bit clunkier and more situational, but with Sabbath it has WAY higher potential. Right now decks like the madoc fiesta are 1 good synergistic card (in its case a good finisher) from becoming busted. Gerni ones are also becoming more and more popular, and if they become just a little less draw dependant from new cards we could be seeing at the top of the meta lists. And probably a crazy amount of other interactions that might become a thing in the future.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun card and currently not deserving of a nerf. But I’d be very very cautious of it , knowing CDPR it’s likely gonna find its way to a tier 1 deck sooner or later.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/seuknh/discussion_arachas_queen_is_a_very_dangerous_to/

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