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Do you think it’s okay for BRONZE cards to be able to place TOKENS on TOP of the opponent’s deck?

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Hello there,

wondering what's the community opinion on that specific point. I know there's a lot of thread ranting about the various lockdown decks, I don't think there's a need for one more; so I'd simply like to hear peoples' opinion on one specific card part of their deck that doesn't get mentioned that much.

As a returnee player who keeps facing these, there's one point in particular (not talking about the elephants in the room like non conditional 14-15 points witcher mentors) that strikes me as being "too much, for too little" , and that's how simple bronze cards that can cost 5 prov for some can ensure (while still providing damage AND setup synergies for important card like Kolgrim later on) that the opponent will draw ONLY 1-3 strength tokens in the next round (and therefore that no matter the mulligans done the opponent will be stuck with 1 or more tokens next round).

I don't know, isn't that too much to be a repeatable action ? You can easily have 3+ tokens and one golem as the top 4 cards on the second round, ensuring that no matter what happens, you've definitely lost the game unless you've got one of the rare "shuffle the deck" card effect in hand in round 1.

That a gold card like Cynthia can do all of this at once, well, I can see it. that another gold card like the location can do it with a bit of setup, why not. That Coated Weapons that can easily be played thrice can do the same on top of the previous ones as long as there are token on the board while providing a nice 5 removal for 5 provision is… kind of ridiculous?

On the other hands I can see totally that the "place on top of the opponent deck" can be detrimental when you want to kill important cards with it, but isn't the maximum potential of that card too high?

Compared to that, vyper witchers that give you a 6 points card to play to clog you seems kind of cute at this point.

Am I wrong in thinking that at the very least this card should have a supplementary line "if the destroyed card was a token, place it at the bottom of the opponent deck instead" or something?

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