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Does anyone think gwent is a skill based game ?

witcher triss merigold gwint

I'm not making this post for the purposes of ranting about 1 game, this screenshot is to be an example

Opponent draws just enough golds to win R2, but of course to not get bled, he skillfully leaves his big finishers in his deck so I can't force them to come out on R2 even if I bleed to 0, and then he skillfully draws them on R3 to win (don't even need to mention 12prov card left in my deck).

Basically every game I play. I know I'm playing a weak deck, but I would actually win most of the games even with inferior deck if RNG didn't favor opponents so much.

I feel like gwent doesn't have any bit of skill involved, all choices are very obvious after you learn core rules and strats of the game (I have 700 hours of playtime, i did learn them), and therefore there's no satisfaction in winning nor losing, optimize your plays as much as you want, card draw is just one hell of a factor. Maybe I'm just burnt out.


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