Does the current release structure make it hard for CDPR to release new archetype?

the witcher and ciri gwent

With each faction just getting 4 cards, doesn't it make it hard for CDPR to release new archetypes? Master Mirror is one of my favorite expansion for releasing Symbiosis archetype. However, with such a small pool of cards, how effectively can one such archetype be developed?

Case and point, druids. I was excited when I learnt that druids will get a buff this expansion and also expand on rain as an archetype. Sadly, that is not to be the case. There simply isn't enough payoff cards for rain to work and the one we got isn't even good.

Similar thing can be said about NR's patience archetype. However, it worked far better because patience is a very self contained. The only synergistic card it got was a reworked adept and I don't like it that much.

The only solution I can see is to buff/rework existing cards to synergize with. Hopefully CDPR can figure this out.


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