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Does Void Spirit feel really bad in this meta to anyone else?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I used to like playing Void Spirit quite a bit. I love heroes that can go off and quick burst a kill and then get out. Void Spirit was great at that.

I just feel like lately I can't do well with him often at all. Maybe I'm just not playing him right. Once I hit 6, if I don't think I can solo kill the mid hero I'll rotate immediately. It just seems even if that initial rotation is successful or not, I start to fall off pretty quick soon after.

Is it just a meta issue? The meta right now is all about sustaining long big team fights. There are bloodstones and greaves all over which make it very hard to burst down anyone. Once I use up all of Void Spirit's spells in that team fight I'm basically worthless and can't do a whole lot of damage after that.

Is anyone else struggling with this hero currently? Otherwise, have any advice on how to play him in this meta?


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