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Don’t forfeit before you/your opponent plays the last card…

gerald witcher 3 gwent table

So I was playing home-brew Arachas swarm against a ST non-devo symbiosis and my opponent really played good in R1, bled me out of my yrden in R2 and couldn't catch up to my points so he passed and in R3, I was sure I was wasting time because clearly he is going to win with the Gord finisher right?


I was hm…. 30 points and he was 46 and my last card was heatwave… He could have won the game without the Gord coz my heatwave was what 10 point removal? and when it was his turn.. he just started roping and the famous trying to connect pop in came up and he just forfeit… I won.. free victory is good and all but… wtf..

I see this nearly with most of the opponents i play, they just don't play the last card and just leave… you have no idea what the outcome on the match is till the last card.. (most of the times sure but still)

I have heard lot of people here say "We don't wanna waste time"

Its 1 CARD… 1 card… you spent nearly 12 mins playing a game and all of a sudden just ran out of time in the last card?


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