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Dota 2, Behavior and the Overwatch system is broken

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I have been playing this game for over a decade and actually even more since I played dota 1. In all my time playing, I have never been as frustrated with the game as I am now. Smurfs, hackers, toxic players, fake reports, broken overwatch, and more.

Smurfs – I dont know why these accounts are not a higher priority. We have pros, some who stream, make smurfs and join games just to destroy them. I have even seen smurfs break matchmaking by using low ranked friends to join a lower skill bracket. This abuse is so heartbreaking…especially when that smurf is an Ancient or an Immortal.

Hackers – I have run into so many hackers that dont even hide the fact that they are using hacks. In game reports and account reports dont seem to do a thing either. I have sent so many in the last few months and i see these players all the time. I am honestly disgusted with the dota team.

Toxic – There are just so many toxic players…you cant have one game without someone going shadow amulet afk, feeding, ability abuse, item abuse, path blocking, and so much more. You could be winning but you make one simple mistake and now your carry just sold all his items and bought a shadow amulet and is hiding next to a tower…wtf!

Fake reports – I have seen so many stacks of friends/teams get frustrated with a random player and to take out their frustration. They will all report the individual. Doesnt matter if said stack has fed 20-30 kills…the one random guy who isnt part of the friends/team is responsible. Why is this allowed? I am so tired of being a punching bag for toxic groups.

Overwatch – WTH is up with overwatch. I get it automatically due to reports. No one even bothers to look at the damn games. I know no one looks at them because the games in question are games where the team is toxic, feeding, harassing, and the game is unwinnable. Yet I get an overwatch because I let the game end quicker? WHY? That makes no sense. Am I suppose to struggle till the end, just feeding kills non stop. Watching the opposing team farm 30-40-50 kills because they dont want to end the game. How is that more productive? That is the dumbest thing ever. Forcing players to suffer…they need to add a surrender to unwinnable games. if its 5-30 surrender should initiate. I despise the overwatch system and it is a system that needs to be reworked.

The Dota Team – What are you guys doing? Instead of making the game more enjoyable and a less toxic environment. You are making it even more toxic, less enjoyable, abusive, and to be honest…mentally exhausting. I would not be surprised if people have gained some form of mental sickness from this game. Be it depression, anxiety, or whatever…*cough* gambling *cough*.

All in all, the game has really fallen in the last year or two. I struggle to play everyday due to everything I mentioned. The problem is that I am too far gone…Dota is a part of me. I will probably play till they shut down the game. I just wish the Dota Team would make it so I didnt have to suffer so much. What happen to having fun in a game? Man I just which we could go back to before Behavior Score, Overwatch and shadow pools existed. Even with all the issues we had, the people were at least happy and no so toxic. I enjoyed those times.


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