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Epic Deeds and Challenges for your next playthrough

fictional character

Looking for new ways to prove your vikingness to the All-Father? Or just want to spice up your next playthrough? Here's a bunch of silly ideas to challenge you and keep you busy.


  • Restore an abandoned village to glory.
  • Build a base among the treetops, without it ever touching the ground.
  • Slay a dear using only your fists.
  • Tame a 2-star boar. Inevitably lose it to a random raid. Raise a shrine in its honor.
  • Slay Eikthyr with the stag hammer while wearing a deer cape, and no other armour.

Black Forest

  • Slay a troll using only your fists.
  • Hire a troll to perform mining operations for you.
  • Hire a troll to harvest hard wood for you.
  • Rob a troll's den while the troll is at home, without the troll noticing you.
  • Slay the Elder while wearing Root armour, using melee weapons only.


  • Build a shrine or graveyard in the swamp to appease the restless dead.
  • Restore a tower in the swamp.
  • Slay an abomination without using any weapons (hint: find something in the environment to damage it).
  • Witness a fight between a troll and an abomination. Correctly bet on the winner.
  • Build a creepy old manor in the swamp.
  • Slay Bonemass while wearing the Bone shield, without using any poison resist mead.


  • Slay a drake without using ranged weapons.
  • Restore a log cabin in the mountains. The hot tub is mandatory.
  • Find the highest mountain in the inner third of the world. Build a monument on its highest peak.
  • Build a chute running down a mountainside, then slide down it on a boat.
  • Build a diving board at the top of a mountain, and see how long it takes you to hit the ground.
  • Slay Modor while wearing a Drake helm, without using ranged weapons.


  • Slay a deathsquito without using any weapons.
  • Wipe out a fueling village without healing, resting, or dying.
  • Slay all the Growths in a tar pit without using ranged weapons.
  • Slay five fuelings in a row without being detected.
  • Build a base atop one of the giant stone pillars.
  • Slay Yagluth while riding a Lox.


  • Build a base in the ocean biome. Bonus challenge: make it tall enough that ships can sail under/through it.
  • Build the highest diving board you can. See how deep you can dive.
  • Catch one of each type of fish.
  • Slay a serpent without using bows.
  • With the heads of every boss in your inventory, sail over the edge of the world. To Valhalla!


  • Build a graveyard. Every time you die, add another grave.
  • Build a throne room with mountains of treasure (at least 10,000 coins' worth).
  • Build a trophy room with one of every single trophy.
  • Build an armory with every armor set and every weapon on display.
  • Build a suspended cage / gibbet, then lock a misbehaving greyling in it as a warning to others.
  • Build a lighthouse.
  • Build a swimming pool.
  • Build a giant wooden horse (or badger). Remember to include a hidden door.
  • Build an arena, then summon 3- or 4-star versions of enemies to fight in it.
  • Dig a canal wide and deep enough to sail through.
  • Summon and slay a 3-star version of every enemy.
  • Build the strongest, sturdiest fortress you can, then summon and defend it from an army of 2-star enemies. Moats and earthen walls are cheating!
  • Slay a boss without using any weapons on it directly. (Indirectly, however…)

Multiplayer Only

  • Build an obstacle course, then see who can get the best time.
  • Build a maze, then see who can solve it fastest.
  • Build a PvP arena and hold a championship. Spruce it up with an elevated central platform, balance beams, fires, spikes, water hazards, or deep pits.
  • Build two opposing forts, including spawn points in the basement. Then play capture the flag.
  • Find a medium-small island. Litter it with caches of weapons, armour, potions, and crafting stations. Then discard all your equipment, split up and head to opposite corners of the island. Let the Battle Royale commence!
  • Split into teams, discard all equipment and resources, then race to see which team kills Eikthyr first. Then shuffle the teams, reset equipment to a predetermined level, then race to kill the next boss, then the next, and so on.
  • Compete to see who can build the tallest climbable structure within 20 minutes. Dying from fall damage results in a time penalty.
  • Compete to see who can harvest the most wood within 10 minutes.
  • Compete to see who can catch the most fish within 15 minutes. Score is based on the amount of Raw Fish you earn, not the actual number of fish you caught.
  • Compete in a boat racing event. Attacking each other's boats is encouraged!
  • Fashionheim. Hold a beauty / fashion paegent.
  • Build an elaborate feasting hall, fill it with delicious foods, then share a Tasty Mead with your fellow vikings. Skol!

Any other suggestions? List them below! Make sure to spoiler any Mistlands related ideas.


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