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Escape From These Damn Restrictions

I can't be the only one who's gotten seriously tired of all the ways BSG has found to limit our gameplay, right? I'm not alone in remembering the good old days of a few years ago, when Tarkov was actually a no mans land ripe with opportunity? Like the lore makes it out to be?

It really was amazing the ways you could make rubles in more ways than just popping heads and ratting safes. I've always had a weird obsession with financial focused games, so playing the flea market like a day trading app just pushed every good button. Buying low, selling high, scooping up expensive items people didn't realize they were selling….

……Then they introduced found in raid and completely killed that part of the game.

Ok whatever, I still have a ton of fun actually PLAYING the game, and it was admittedly very broken some of the ways you could game the market. But the secure container makes it so I can find good stuff, and then still play guns blazing afterwards, knowing I'll make a bit of cash even if I die….

….and then they changed it so you can't sell stuff from your secure container if you die. Effectively making it so you have to immediately scamper to an exit if you find something valuable.

But this didn't ruin the game. No I was still making a fair bit of money, and it's a lot of fun to try out all the cool new guns and attachments they're adding in all their well-modeled glory….

….Or at least it was, until they removed anything even remotely cool off the flea market without making traders any more useful at all. I've found one mutant, and not a single .308 Scar since either of them were introduced, and I have absolutely no motivation to grind these god awful quests to unlock them from the traders.

Seriously I just don't enjoy this game as much anymore. It's my fourth or fifth wipe and I have absolutely no desire to run all these stupid tasks yet again, especially since it feels like every other way of playing the game is just being snuffed out bit by bit. Just the other day I wanted to give my buddy who's new to the game a spark plug and some meds to help with his hideout. But low and behold I learn that if you bring barter items into raid, Nikita himself will reach down and wipe them from existence with a single wave of his greasy hand.

Were some of these features absolutely broken? Yeah, but damnit I don't think anyone can deny they were fun. It was fun making millions on bitcoin, loading out in the craziest gear, and getting into some wild pvp at dorms every match. Now? Now it just feels like trying to play with the fat kid during recess, the one who always has to change the rules whenever someone is winning or having more fun than them.


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