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Explaining Everything in Escape From Tarkov

I've had this thought for about a month now, but had no free time to start it yet, however I am planning on beginning sometime next week.

My idea is a video that basically acts as a video game handbook (i.e. the minecraft handbooks from 2014), explaining different features and mechanics in the game. Since Tarkov doesn't have an in depth tutorial, I'm planning on making a video to basically be the "tutorial" explaining different elements of Tarkov (breaking up weapons into talking about ammo types, attachments, stats etc.) as an information guide for new players or for those who want to learn something new/waste time. I've already somewhat planned out what I want to include:

  • BEAR vs. USEC
    • What do each faction start with and what makes them different
  • What I like to call the in-raid menu
    • Talk about stats
    • GEAR
      • Each equippable slot (Helmets, headsets, goggles, body armor, tac rig etc.)
      • I go in depth on armor (armor classes, how they affect the player)
      • After armor, I talk about tac rigs, pockets, and backpacks and what makes them different
      • Secure container
      • Special slots
    • HEALTH
      • Health, limbs, injury types
      • Food water, weight
      • Meds and what each type do (HP, light bleeds, heavy bleeds, blacked limbs, fractures, painkillers)
      • Different symptoms of using painkillers
    • SKILLS
      • What each skill does
    • MAP
      • Not needed, use a third party map on your browser instead
    • What you can do in the stash
      • Types of gun classes
      • Gun stats
      • Each attachment category
      • Ammo + Calibers + Mags
      • Jams and malfunctions
    • JUNK
      • Talk about how its a task item, hideout item, barter, and sellable
    • KEYS
      • Talk about uses
    • CASES
      • types of cases
    • FiR
      • FiR importance
    • Role of the traders
    • Currencies (rub/usd/eur/barter)
    • Breaking down each trader
      • Loyalty Levels
      • Trader rep
    • TASKS
      • Why tasks are imporant
    • Usable to find parts for weapons that are compatible
    • Selling and buying from other players at level 15 as of current wipe
    • Flea rep
      • Able to sell more at once
    • Pricing
    • What does each facility in the hideout do
      • The importance of crafting
    • Why is this in the game
    • Able to talk to other players
    • Collecting rewards from tasks
    • SCAV vs PMC
      • What makes them different
    • MAPS
    • Choose the map you want to do a raid in
      • Landmarks of each map, and what makes each map unique
      • Picking time
      • Pick what you want to insure, and pay a fee to prapor/therapist
    • LFG
      • NEVER go here
    • What you can do in raid
      • Different Movement mechanics (leaning)
      • What would take the click of a button in stash takes a few seconds in raid
    • What happens when you die


Thank you for reading out my video concept, and please give me some feedback + what you think I should change/ add. I'm open to criticism and hopefully will make some useful changes for the future. My main thought when planning this out was that learning the game was a big part of playing, so why not put it all in one place where anyone can go and find what they're looking for. This is NOT going to be a tips and tricks video, but I will throw in a couple of my own opinions and methods where necessary.

TL;DR: Tarkov handbook that explains everything in Tarkov to compensate for not having a tutorial in-game yet


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