Bloodseeker Aghanim Scepter still BAD and Harmful late game.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Is it just me or other find scepter in Seeker bad late game. It makes him die faster. You lose almost all of your HP in about 10 second if both Bloodrage and Blood Mist is active AND while receiving no damage from enemy. This is just stupid and in late games it just make him die faster. To be really able to sustain the damage from Scepter upgrade, he needs a pipe and Bloodstone which just takes two slots late game and makes him less of a carry. So, the scepter upgrade seems really useless, in fact more harmful to a carry seeker late game.
Also, another important point is that, enemy can counter his Blood Mist damage with BKBs, while he still receives the self damage from Blood Mist on BKB. This is again bad late game, where in fight most enemy will have BKBs and just make his skill useless and but useful to enemy as seeker is just loosing HP much faster.

Either Seeker needs a new scepter, or this scepter needs rework.
Suggestion – Scepter deals half damage to seeker. Deals no damage to seeker if BKB is on. Increases life steal from Spell to 30% while on… Something like that.

Valve please look into this as Scepter on Dota seems to be made for enemy team to make carry seeker just die faster late games.


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