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Exporting MP4 video clip out of a replay – DOTA 2

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Hello everyone, this is my first post on Reddit, so don't mind me not being to the point for this post,

so as you all DOTA 2 players know (or will know after reading this) that now while spectating any replay we have the option to cut out a clip of that particular replay and export it to MP4 video that we can later on use to upload and show off.

My requirement is to do the same thing, but instead of first choosing the scissor button


which will open the clip builder UI to put the start and end markers and then clicking on the export video button as show below:


I want to run a console command defining the time for the start and end markers and name of the clip that can help me achieve the same thing of EXPORTING THE CLIP as MP4 file.

After looking for a while, all I could figure out was a start_movie command which can be used to export the part of your replay file as AVI (Video + Audio), JPG (one image for each frame), TGI (one image for each frame), WAV (only Audio) by running:

start_movie file.mp4 avi
just type start_movie and ENTER to know more about its usage

this will start recording your game's screen and you can complete it by running:


command and then your video/audio/images will be saved to *SteamLibrary*/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/movie/ <- HERE

But for MP4, I was not able to figure out any console command till now, if functionality is there, there should definitely be a command as well behind the scenes. Please help!

Thanks in advance!


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