Hi guys, recently scrolled thru some LL4 traders and saw some very entriguing barters for built guns.
My question to you is: do you like running any of the pre-built ready-to-go barter guns from the traders? (Preferably non-stock guns) If so, how much does it equate to in pricing and do you add anything to it?
My fav gun barters:
Personally love running the tx-15 dml barter from Mechanic LL3. The barter ends up costing just as much as it is to sell the gun back to him, so it's a great value. Looks absolutely stunning, is silenced and great ergo. Insuring it costs a lot tho. Ofc 5.56 can be dissapointing but that's beyond this posts topic. I always add an extra IR flashlight to the tx-15, maybe if I feel spicy I switch the scope to an elcan
I also love the LL2 mechanic barter for the glock-17 tac 2. It's a silenced, Reddot Glock for 2gphone 1pcb.. under 45k. There is no other combination of gun + silencer + Reddot that you can get cheaper than this. Is 9mm amazing? Def not, so this isn't viable for PvP but this was my go-to from lvl 20-25. Great for questing as 9mm is enough to protect yourself from scavs. Reddot helps with getting those headshots on the AI. Used this as a budget loadout with mmac's, did my shoreline and marker quests with this and was a lot of fun, felt like John wick can easily fit 3-4 21 round mags in your vest. Kept it how it is, added nothing to it.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ubl25y/favourite_gun_barters_that_are_readytogo/