FDEV: What’s with the Olive?

Ok, Put on your tinfoil hat for this post CMDR's… But for a while now I've been scratching my head and wondering what's up with this sweatshirt (https://merch.elitedangerous.com/product/salvation-lives-sweatshirt) that Frontier is offering on their merch store.

-I get the "Salvation Lives" is kind of an ongoing suspicion that Salvation faked his death, but what's with the Olive? Is this some kind of obscure hint?

-Could this be some indication to extend an Olive Branch to the Thargoids in some way to end this war? What would they want, and why should we give it to them?

-Does this mean we should smash them and harvest their oil for cooking?

-Is there some other meaning behind the Olive that I'm missing?

-Is it just a play on words; "OLives"

I'm bored and probably overthinking this. Post up your thoughts, CMDR's!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1138nkw/fdev_whats_with_the_olive/

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