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Few questions about elite from an outside

So, I noticed Elite Dangerous Odyssey was apparently…well…terrible, in a broken state wherein the community backlash was noticeably large and caused a huge publicity shift towards FDev, has this situation improved – is Odyssey in a state where you could say it's fun?

Another thing is, regardless of the walking in Odyssey is Elite Dangerous a fun game? Is it fun to do missions, is it fun to fly around space which apparently is on a really impressive scale, would you say the game may even be infinitely playable like No Mans Sky and the final one – is there pure, unfiltered exploration? In the sense of 'go here do this' rather than traditional games which will give you a set quest-line to go down which you can't deter from or if you deter from the game will get stale.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and hopefully answer it. Any anecdotes about your experience that can help answer this are greatly appreciated as they help me put an example to the experience but please keep them short as I'm incredibly tired and can't read that much right now.

P.S, is this the wrong flair? If it is I apologise, I know either 'help' or 'discussion' is good enough but I don't consider this to be "help" more than it's a discussion about if I will fall in love with this game.


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