Finally managed to win all 7 matches in a draft. Here’s some Quick Tips to do the same.

witcher triss merigold gwint

Today I've finally managed to win all 7 matches of a draft. (Note that I'm relatively new to the game, first started playing around mid November).

Here's some quick tips if you're trying to achieve the same result.

Before this first successful try, I always went for complex strategies and a balanced deck.

I would try to build it just like you would try to build a deck for a standard type game: Some gold cards, some bronze cards, some special cards – that interact with each other (and with the leader ability) in the most optimal way possible.

Well, after some trial and error I can safely say that I was an idiot.
Why pick bronze cards at all, and why try and figure out complex strats, when this particular game mode sets no limit on the amount of provisions for your deck?
Just pick the most gold cards that you can get during the deckbuilding phase, and don't worry too much about card interaction. Just focus on picking cards that are from the same factions as your leader ability.

Here's a more detailed list of rules to follow when building your deck for the draft game mode. (This is only if you're trying to go for 7 wins in a row).

1) During the leader ability selection phase, pick the one that you feel like you know how to use the best.

2) During the card picking phase, as stated before, just pick the most amount of gold cards that you can, that are from the same faction as your leader's ability.

3) Loosely try to figure out some decent fits between cards for extra added deck strenght.

3.5) More if the same: If you've found some cards that interact particularly well, just go for more of the same if you get the chance to (you definitely will). Having the ability to play the same card, or the same overpowered set of cards over and over again will definitely give you a huge edge over the opponent.

4) Just like in standard mode, you should not be afraid to pass and lose strategic rounds to have better chances in the later ones. So figure out the best round succession for the deck you have built as soon as possible. Ideally, take some time to review your deck before starting to play.

5) ???

6) Profit (with a bit of luck).


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