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Flea Market barters are so incredibly frustrating.

Items with 0 intrinsic value are being sold in exchange for marked keys, labs keycards, rivals armbands, or sanitar tape key simply because a quest requires them. Whether that be gunsmith attachments or quest keys. It's so incredibly frustrating to see 2 pages of offers asking for a rivals armband when in reality not a damn soul would actually buy it. Why would I pay a rivals armband, which could get me almost any item in the game on the flea, for a fucking quest key that has no loot behind it? At this point I would prefer flea market barters to disappear completely.

So many attachments and keys are like this. And with the new gunsmith progression, half the quests are locked behind an attachment you cant buy on flea for rubles, and is locked behind a trader level, which in some cases means you need 10 levels to get access.

The problem is not necessarily that you can put items up for barters on the flea, but more that these worthless items are valued so highly because of the progression or chance to obtain them. A green keycard having a high value makes total sense, since the loot behind the door makes up for the rarity of the keycard. But something like the portable bunkhouse key? Has literally 0 loot behind it and is apparently worth a rivals armband, which people also sell for green keycards. Therefore, a worthless room with no loot and a single quest, is worth the same as a green keycard, which can spawn hundreds of thousands of rubles worth of meds every single raid. Where is the sense in this?

The worst part about this is that nobody will buy offers like these, so why put them up in the first place? All these keys and attachments, which could be actually circulated into the economy, therefore reducing demand and further dropping the price of these items, are stuck behind offers that will never be bought.


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