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For Fuck Sake

"due to an error affecting your profile, please accept 1 million rubles as compensation for your lost ammunition and our sincere apologies"
I don't hoard ammo I can buy from early traders so mainly lost around 400 m62s 200+ m61's 1000+ m856a1s (mostly crafted) a few hundred 55a1 and a stupid amount of BT/BS/igolnik. 1m doesn't come close to flea prices (if they were tradeable) and to be honest I'm pissed there wasn't a straight up roll back for those affected. I don't know how servers/rollbacks work and to be quite frank I don't care before I get "oh rollbacks don't work like that" "you can't do that because the game infrastructure doesn't allow it" bla bla bla. A lot of hours pissed down the drain because of incompetence and bullshit server side problems back to back day after day. Flame if you want but I'm extremely pissed off at this. I can get over menu lag/servers constantly being down but when it effects the hours put in and fucks your ammo stockpile because of "sErVeR iSsUeS" it's not going to sit well with some people when they offer a measly 1m roubles as if you can just go and buy it all back as if everyones got level 4 traders a week into wipe. I'd be a lot less pissed off if these ammo types were still available to buy on flea but the fact that they're majority obtain in raid only until level 4 traders it's added insult to injury.

Fuck your siNcErE aPoLogY


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