For those who don’t know: Once you hit LVL 46, Daily quests give ≈20,000-30,000 EXP, and weekly quests give ≈100,000-250,000 Exp

I haven't even tried for Kappa the last two wipes solely because of the EXP requirements to get to the required level. A week or so ago, I was at lvl 46 and was comparing the EXP I get from my dailies to my lvl 45 friend. Both of us have thousands of hours in the game, but neither one of us realized that the daily/weekly quest experience significantly increases once you hit lvl 46. I would consider myself a hardcore player, but getting a total of 6,573,613 experience to get to LvL 55 never seemed like a goal worth working towards.

With this new information, Kappa actually seems obtainable without quitting your job. If you played 5 days a week and only completed two of your three dailies every day as well as your weekly, you would average around 500k exp per week. That would take you about 5 weeks to get from level 46 to 55.

If you aggressively completed all your operational quests, it would take a little under 4 weeks.

Both of these scenarios exclude the 433K experience you get from the quest "The Choice" (Turning in Epsilon container). If you consider that quest, you can shave another week off the time.

It will still take quite a bit of work, but at least you won't be sniping rogues 200 raids in a row to get there.


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